Some recent Tech.Emotion Summit speakers

Nerio Alessandri, Founder and Chairman of Technogym
Ramin Arani, Investor
Alessandro Baricco, Writer
Ruzwana Bashir, Co-Founder and CEO of Peek
Settimio Benedusi, Photographer
Elina Berrebi, Founding partner of REVAIA
Ruma Bose, Entrepreneur, Impact Investor and Author
Massimo Bottura, Chef *** Michelin, Osteria Francescana
Massimo Ciociola, Founder of Musixmatch
Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Chairman Italo, Manifatture Sigaro Toscano and Telethon Foundation
Dick Costolo, Co-managing partner of 01 Advisors and former CEO of Twitter
Brunello Cucinelli, Founder of Brunello Cucinelli
Anu Duggal, Founding Partner of Female Founders Fund
Erik Engellau-Nilsson, Co-founder of Norrsken Launcher - Norrsken House Stockholm
Johann Ernst Nilson, Environmental speaker, explorer
Oscar Farinetti, Entrepreneur, founder of UniEuro, Eataly and GreenPea
Ash Fontana, Investor and author of ‘The AI first company’
Chris Gardner, Author of the best seller ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’, entrepreneur
Anne Glover, Chief Executive and co-founder of Amadeus Capital Partners
Gabriella Greison, Physicist, writer, actress, science popularizer
Fabrice Grinda, Founding Partner of FJ Labs, investor
Karoli Hindriks, Founder of Jobbatical
Ann Kaplan, Award-winning entrepreneur, author and founder of iFinance
David and Daniil Liberman, Co-founders of Humanism
Beatriz Martin Jimenez, Head of Non-Core & Legacy and President EMEA, UBS Group AG
Ken Meyer, Entrepreneur, Former Executive Vice President of Whole Foods Market
Mattia Mor, Founder & CEO of Emotion Network
Angelo Moratti, Founder, Chairman and anchor investor of Milano Investment Partners Sgr
Bjorn Oste, Founder of Oatly
Chamath Palihapitiya, Founder and CEO of Social Capital, former Head of Growth at Facebook
Claudia Parzani, Partner at Linklaters and President of Borsa Italiana
Marco Perego, Artist, Producer and Director
Andrea Pezzi, Founder and CEO of Mint
Eric Quidenus-Wahlforss, Founder and CEO of Dance, founder of SoundCloud
Alec Ross, Author, Professor and Entrepreneur
Valeria Sandei, CEO of Almawave
Howard Schultz, Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Starbucks
Andrea Scrosati, Group COO & Continental Europe CEO of Fremantle
Annastasia Seebohm Giacomini, CEO of Brilliant Minds Foundation
Davide Serra, Founder and CEO of Algebris Investments
KR Sridhar, Founder, President and CEO of Bloom Energy
Caryl Stern, Chief Impact Officer of Lion Tree
Mariarosaria Taddeo, Professor of Digital Ethics and Defence Technologies, University of Oxford
Giovanni Tamburi, Founder, Chairman and CEO of T.I.P.
Lorenzo Thione, Entrepreneur, Broadway Producer and Investor in New York
Navin Thukkaram, Investor, advisor and entrepreneur, mindfulness expert
Nirav Tolia, Founder of Nextdoor
Pieter Van Der Does, Founder and CEO of Adyen
James Vincent, Founder and CEO of FNDR
Joe Zadeh, Advisor, investor and former VP of Product at Airbnb
HÊlène Zaugg, Chairman of Motul


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TECH.EMOTION is the international Summit that merges technology and emotions, innovation and humanism, investments and creativity, to Unlock Human Potential.

Knowledge, inspiration and networking with an international perspective.

From Italy to the world.