Beatriz Martin Jimenez
Head Non-Core & Legacy and President EMEA, UBS Group AG
29 May - 10:15 am
Roundtable "Liquidity, longevity, legacy: family wealth across generations"
Bernardi Bertoldi - Professor of Family Business Strategy
Beatriz Martin Jimenez - Head Non-Core & Legacy and President EMEA, UBS Group AG
Giovanni Ronca - Head of Wealth Management Italy, UBS Group
Moderated by Stefania Pinna - Journalist, Sky TG24
Beatriz Martin Jimenez
Beatriz Martin Jimenez became Head Non-core and Legacy as well as President UBS Europe, Middle East and Africa of UBS Group AG, in May 2023. She has been the UBS GEB Lead for Sustainability and Impact since March 2024 and the UBS Chief Executive for the UK since 2019. Her previous UBS roles included Group Treasurer for UBS Group AG, Chief Transformation Officer for UBS Group AG, COO for UBS Investment Bank, and Chief of Staff to the CEO for UBS Investment Bank. Before joining UBS in 2012, Ms. Martin held various roles in fixed income sales and trading at Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank. With her experience in markets, Ms. Martin has a deep understanding of the industry and has built an extensive network and credentials globally, in addition to her restructuring experience as well as a thorough knowledge of our Investment Bank.
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