Davide D'Arcangelo
CEO, Next4 and Secretary General, Fondazione Italia Digitale
29 May - 4:30 pm
Roundtable "Values metrics for venture capital"
Davide D'Arcangelo - CEO, Next4 and Secretary General, Fondazione Italia Digitale
Valeria Maria Fazio - Board Member Italiacamp, EMEA - Dubai Hub for Made in Italy, Senior Partner, Miller Group and Board Member, Next4
Maurizio Grifoni - Chairman, Fondo Fon.Te
Moderated by Daniela Polizzi
Davide D'Arcangelo
Expert in innovation and industrial policy, he has significant experience in the management of European funds and corporate finance, founder and CEO of Next4, an accelerator and accredited investor under the CDP venture fund relaunch, investing in Digital Transformation.
He is also currently founder of Impatta4equity, a corporate benefit holding company that invests in seed capital programs in innovability sectors.
Secretary General of the Fondazione Italia Digitale, the first foundation in Italy dedicated to digital policy at the public and private levels.
Consultant for the PNRR of Campus Bio-Medico S.p.A.
Member of the Board of Directors of Campus Bio-Medico Investment Holding S.r.l.
Consultant on innovation issues in P.A. for EUTALIA-Studiare Sviluppo, an investee company of the MEF, coordinates for Ecoter srl important technical assistance activities in central state administrations.
He is a consultant for IFEL and Anci in particular on issues of Public Innovation management and Govtech. Former instructor for European funds of Lazio Innova S.p.A and member of the evaluation nucleus for research funds of the Lazio region. Awarded at the Chamber of Deputies at the "excellence of made in Italy" event for expertise on industrial policy issues.
Now, he is MISE registered Innovation manager and is Investor relator of major scale-ups such as Speri Ingegneria and Termo Spa, an energy fintech company formerly owned by mediaset and now acquired by Fondo italiano strategico (cdp).
A member of the Capacity building task force of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, he has been inside the national task force of Anip-Confindustria and the Technical Scientific Committee of Anci Lazio, and has coordinated the Ventotene Training Camp that, every year, indicates strategic policies for local authorities.
Founder of Next4international, to date he has important collaborations with Innovit in San Francisco, IXL Center in Boston and Italia Camp in Abu Dhabi. Partner and speakear of Emotion Network, media company in partnership with corriere della sera and skytg24.
Creator of the first observatory on govtech in the national territory and author of several publications including the most recent, Govtech - the Italian technological renaissance, Investor Business relator - a tool for the growth of SMEs and Public Innovation Manager - for a P.A engine of our country.
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