Gabriella Greison
Physicist, writer, actress, science publicist
29 May - 3:35 pm
Keynote speech "Arthur Compton, Oppenheimer's friend who saw the future"
Gabriella Greison - Physicist, writer, actress, science publicist
Gabriella Greison
Gabriella Greison is a physicist, writer, actress, presenter, and science communicator. She is described by Corriere della Sera, as well as the American and German press, as "the Rockstar of Physics." She is the author of twelve novels, which cover scientific dissemination, quantum mechanics, the history of physics, and the great female scientists of history. Among these are: "The Incredible Dinner of the Quantum Physicists" (Salani); "Six Women Who Changed the World" (Bollati Boringhieri); "I'll Kill Schrödinger's Cat" (Mondadori); "Everything Is Connected" (Mondadori); and the latest, "The Woman of the Atomic Bomb" (Mondadori). From each book, she has created a monologue or a theatrical show, which she tours in theaters throughout Italy and beyond. She has conceived and hosted several television programs, including "Physics Pills" on Rai, "The Fabulous World of Quantum Physics" on Mediaset, and "The Theory of Everything" on Sky Italia. She is also the creator of podcasts and radio programs. Greison, who is of Genoese and Scottish origin, lives in Italy, between Milan and Genoa, and is very active on social media. She holds a degree in Nuclear Physics from the University of Milan and has worked in many prestigious places, including the École Polytechnique in Paris. She focuses on science, technology, the environment, climate change, women, current affairs, and nuclear issues. Her website is www.greisonanatomy.com.
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