Giovanni Ronca
Head of Wealth Management, Italy, UBS Group
29 May - 10:15 am
Roundtable "Liquidity, longevity, legacy: family wealth across generations"
Bernardi Bertoldi - Professor of Family Business Strategy
Beatriz Martin Jimenez - Head Non-Core & Legacy and President EMEA, UBS Group AG
Giovanni Ronca - Head of Wealth Management, Italy, UBS Group
Moderated by Stefania Pinna - Journalist, Sky TG24
Giovanni Ronca
Giovanni Ronca has worked across various financial and industrial sectors, all marked by significant moments of change and transformation.
After graduating in Economics from the University of Turin, he began his career at the investment holding company Exor SA (a subsidiary of IFI S.p.A.), and later moved to the finance area of Stellantis, where he had the privilege of working for several years in Sergio Marchionne's transformation team.
In 2007, he transitioned to UniCredit, where he held various managerial roles in Italy and the United States in corporate & investment banking. He lived in New York for three years until the end of 2018, before taking on the responsibility as co-head of commercial banking in Italy, overseeing the country's corporate banking and wealth management activities.
In 2019, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of the TIM Group and chairman of Olivetti, positions he held until mid-2022. He has been a member of the boards of Satispay, TimFin, and the Italian Investment Fund, and more recently, he has been an advisor for CVC Capital Partners on several significant private equity transactions. He has also been a senior advisor for the mid-cap private equity fund, Quadrivio Group.
Currently, he is in charge of the Wealth Management activities of the UBS Group in Italy and coordinates the integration of Credit Suisse into UBS for Italy.
Giovanni is married to Silvia and has three children. He lives in Turin and loves the countryside.
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