Hélène Zaugg
Chairman, Motul
29 May - 2:30 pm
Fireside chat "The future will be storied: How legacy brands can own the future"
James Vincent - Founder and CEO, FNDR
dialogues with Hélène Zaugg, Chairman, Motul
Hélène Zaugg
After 10 years in Finance, Communication and Art industry, Hélène Zaugg has joined her family-run business, MOTUL, an international engine Lubricant Group in order to tackle with her brothers what represents the largest challenges that this 4th generation business has to face.
Electrification, E-commerce, Digitalisation are challenging every day the traditional way of making business in the lubricant industry. Redesigning from products to way of distributing, the new age is here and requires from MOTUL ingenuity, daring and agility to bring the Group to the sustainable path of the future.
From 2013, Hélène built up the Communication and Human Resources for the Group and then became Chairman of the Group since 2021.
Hélène is also Vice President of the Charity Fondation, Motul Corazón. The objectives of the Fondation is to provide “Tools for life” to young troubled teenagers from 10 to 18 years old to acquire skills in various professions and skills to open their eyes to the world. So far, the Fondation has supported the building of Motul Corazón Garages in Africa, France, and South America that teach teenagers the art of mechanics. Motul Corazón has also supported a nomad cinema in Africa and Asia that shows educative movies in villages.
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