Mariarosaria Taddeo
Professor of Digital Ethics and Defence Technologies, Oxford Internet Institute University of Oxford
29 May - 5:15 pm
Keynote speech "The ethical challenges of artificial intelligence"
Mariarosaria Taddeo - Professor of Digital Ethics and Defence Technologies, Oxford Internet Institute University of Oxford
Mariarosaria Taddeo
Mariarosaria Taddeo is Professor of Digital Ethics and Defence Technologies at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, and is Defence Science and Technology Ethics Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. Her work focuses mainly on digital ethics, the ethical analysis of artificial intelligence (AI), ethics of AI for national defence, cybersecurity, cyber conflicts, and ethics of digital innovation. Her research has been published in major journals like Nature, Nature Machine Intelligence, Science, and Science Robotics. She has received multiple awards, the 2010 Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy; the 2016 World Technology Award for Ethics. In 2018, InspiringFifty named her among the most inspiring 50 Italian women working in technology. ORBIT listed her among the top 100 women working on Ethics of AI in the world. She is one the twelve 2020 "Outstanding Rising Talents" named by the Women's Forum for Economy and Society. In 2023, she has been awarded the title of Grande Ufficiale al Merito Della Repubblica Italiana, by the Italian President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in recognition of the impact of her research. Since 2016, Taddeo serves as editor-in-chief of Minds & Machines (SpringerNature) and of Philosophical Studies Series (SpringerNature). Since 2020, Taddeo serves in the Ethics Advisory Panel to the UK Ministry of Defence.
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