Maurizio Grifoni
Chairman, Fondo Fon.Te
29 May - 4:30 pm
Roundtable "Values metrics for venture capital"
Davide D'Arcangelo - CEO Next4, and Secretary General, Fondazione Italia Digitale
Valeria Maria Fazio - Board Member Italiacamp EMEA - Dubai Hub for Made in Italy, Senior Partner Miller Group, Board Member Next4
Maurizio Grifoni - Chairman, Fondo Fon.Te
Moderated by Daniela Polizzi
Maurizio Grifoni
Maurizio Grifoni is an established professional personality (manager) with extensive experience in business, associative and political sectors. Born in Milan on 11 February 1955, he has dedicated his career to promoting the economic and social development of regional communities.
Grifoni began his career in the fashion industry as an agent and sales representative, and then as a trader in various retail outlets, acquiring an in-depth knowledge of the market and its dynamics. In 1989, thanks to his skills, he founded a clothing manufacturing business in Novara, positioning himself as a successful entrepreneur. Since 2003, he has covered the role of President of ASCOM Novara, the Association of Commerce, Tourism and Services of the Province of Novara, by representing the interests of local businesses. He is, since 2015, President of Confcommercio Imprese per l'Italia Alto Piemonte. From 2011 to 2013, Mr. Grifoni was also President of the ‘Novara Sviluppo Foundation’ based in Novara – in Piemonte Region- a foundation for the promotion of economic development in the fields of scientific research, education, art, preservation and improvement of cultural and environmental assets, and health. Grifoni has also been a leading figure at national level since 2006, as Advisor and Member of the Confederal Board of Confcommercio Imprese per l'Italia. Since 2015, Grifoni is also President of Fondo FON.TE., the contractual instrument that the partners have made available to employees in the sectors represented so they can accumulate a pension in addition to their public benefits in order to increase the future level of their pensions. Grifoni is the founder of Values Metrics, a new ESG metric inspired by the values of the encyclica “Laudato sì” of Papa Francesco.
Maurizio Grifoni distinguishes himself for his tenacity, vision and leadership skills. His many years of experience in strategic sectors make him a reference point for local companies and institutions.
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