Michela Paparella
CEO of Kulta, Co-founder and General Manager of the Innovative Startup Nello Spettro
28 May - 6:35 pm
"Rebel Brains for an autism-friendly world"
Michela Paparella - CEO of Kulta, Co-founder and General Manager of the Innovative Startup Nello Spettro
Gianluca Nicoletti - Journalist, Writer and President of Fondazione Cervelli Ribelli
Introduction by Karin FischerÂ
Michela Paparella
Michela Paparella is Co-founder and General Manager of the Innovative Startup Nello Spettro, founded at the end of 2023.
Entrepreneur, current President, and Founder of Kulta (2011), a company specializing in multi-channel communication, and previously of Koriolis (2002), began her career as a digital communication expert in 1996, initially within the Fiat Research Center and then for the first digital projects developed in Italy (Corriere della Sera, Wind, Enel).
Expert in multi-channel and digital communication, CSR and in inclusive communication.
With her team, she is active in the creation and development of innovative multi-channel projects (for clients such as RCS Mediagroup, Tim, Coop, Barilla, Danone, Doxa, Samsung, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Mattel, Topolino, Umberto Veronesi Foundation, Vodafone Foundation, Bracco Foundation, AISM, Erg, Auchan, Zecchino d’Oro, Costa Edutainment, etc.).
In 2014, she conceived and developed with Kulta “Scuola Channel,” a platform aimed at companies and organizations that want to give visibility and effectiveness to CSR projects targeting schools, families, and more generally to digital natives.
In early 2016, she launched together with other partners “Io Consiglio,” a social platform based on advice and word of mouth among friends, created with the aim of revolutionizing the approach to online reviews and giving weight to the proactive value of the consumer.
In 2018, she conceived, with the journalist and writer Gianluca Nicoletti, “Cervelli Ribelli Factory”, a CSR format that starts from neurodivergence to open up to the world of valuing diversity & inclusion and the pride of “different thinking.”
In 2021, she managed the launch of the new platform “Nonni Channel,” conceived and produced by Kulta, aimed at the “silver generation,” with projects and content dedicated.
In 2022, she created the “Comunicare la Sostenibilità ” platform, aimed at designing communication strategies capable of enhancing the sustainability best practices of companies and organizations.
She is a co-founding member of The League, a network of European agencies composed of 5 agencies (Germany, France, Spain, UK, and Italy) that addresses European and non-European clients who wish to launch products, services, and projects in Europe, ensuring the specificity of localization in different states and the optimization of investments and communication.
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