Stefano Ciurli
Head of Global Services, Enel Group
29 May - 12:45 pm
Keynote speech "On the frontier of innovation: the centrality of governance in artificial intelligence"
Stefano Ciurli - Head of Global Services, Enel Group
Stefano Ciurli
Stefano Ciurli was appointed Head of Global Services at Enel Group in July 2023.
He graduated with a degree in Economics and Commerce from LUISS University in Rome in 1987.
Ciurli began his professional career at Telecom Italia, where he progressively took on responsibilities in Finance, Administration and Control, International Development, Procurement and Logistics, Real Estate and Energy, Caring Services, and Wholesale.
From 2003 to 2005, he served as the CFO of Tim SpA, and also managed the merger operation of Tim SpA into Telecom Italia SpA.
From 2008 to 2012, he was the Chief Procurement Officer of the TI Group.
From 2012 to 2014, he held the position of Executive Vice President of the Caring Services Division at Tim, and from 2015 to 2018, he was the Executive Vice President of Wholesale.
From 2019 to 2023, Ciurli was the CEO of PTS, an Italian consulting firm.
He has also held various positions on national and international Boards of Directors, including: Telepiù, TESS, Saritel, Telecontact (Caring), TI International (holding), Tim Brasil, Tim Digitel (Venezuela), Avea (Turkish Telecom), Telenergia, Olivetti, Flash Fiber, Unidata, and PTS.
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