Valeria Maria Fazio
Board Member Italiacamp EMEA - Dubai Hub for Made in Italy, Senior Partner Miller Group, Board Member Next4
29 May - 4:30 pm
Roundtable "Values metrics for venture capital"
Davide D'Arcangelo - CEO, Next4 and Secretary General, Fondazione Italia Digitale
Valeria Maria Fazio Board Member Italiacamp EMEA - Dubai Hub for Made in Italy, Senior Partner Miller Group, Board Member Next4
Maurizio Grifoni - Chairman, Fondo Fon.Te
Moderated by Daniela Polizzi
Valeria Maria Fazio
Ph.D. in History and Theory of Economic Development and graduated with honors in Economics and Commerce from "LUISS Guido Carli" University in Rome. She held the role of Subject Matter Expert in the chairs of Economic History, History of Economic Thought and History of Finance and Financial Systems at the same University.
She is a professor of Entrepreneurship and History of Made in Italy at the European University of Rome, where she has also served as Contact Person for External Relations and Development Projects for the Third Mission Area.
Having gained significant entrepreneurial experience, she continues to develop complex business projects and supports enterprises in defining sustainable and eligible investments and programs.
She performs strategic consulting for business growth, analyzing strategic options for accessing finance and creating partnerships and industrial matching on a national and international scale. She is involved in the process and definition of internationalization projects and business relations between Italy and the Middle East, where she has been permanently residing since 2022.
As a Senior Advisor in Business Incubators and Accelerators, she promotes the spread of entrepreneurial culture, territorial relations within innovation ecosystems, and productivity growth through the creation and development of start-ups, scale-ups and spin-offs with high capitalization and human capital.
She is Senior Partner at Miller Group, as well as Banking & Finance Manager at Prestige Legal, and a member of the Advisory Board of Spartan Tech. She is part of the Board of Italiacamp EMEA -Dubai Hub for Made in Italy and is a Board Member in Next4 and Fondazione Italia Digitale.
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